e premte, 29 shkurt 2008

Stand down..ye warriors

Good heavens how did there get to be so much testerone in the room? The ARC girl, aka the Princess of Sedgwick requests that the warriors retreat to a pub, have a pint and leave the lassies well enough alone! ( By the way take any left over velcro with you!) Yes Patrick I did get the message..Patrick 3...Gretchen 0.... not sure where your figures come from but we all know the Irish can't count. Not to worry..all good things take time.

As for the ARC sisters giving in the goods...WRONG! and blaming Hillary! of all People!!? Sorry but the shoe and purse girl could never ever go for velcro over the real thing. To think that I would fall for that. More like a restless and bored Irishman with nothing to do with his days except check the daily blogs of his coworkers. Or perhaps worried that the ARC sisters might be talking about ye. As for knowing who Kym is...are we reading more than the ARC sisters blogs? We really do have time on our hands! What tree are we barking up?

Now as for the appearance of the Mysterious Knight...in shining armor I presume...another silent fan of the ARC girl's escapades up until now? I wonder what phrase or word ended up on some search engine to lead you to her domain? She thanks you for your chivalry and protecting her honor on line, but do you have the antidote for velcro toxicity?
And she cant help but
wonder how much of the gold you quaffed before announcing your presence....

So Super sibs and ARC sisters I can only hope these two find a corner pub, and leave the ARC girl to continue saving the world from famine, flood and fire as well as raising those two delightful urchins, Ty and Care. By the way the junior Princess of Sedgwick cut off ALOT of her hair yesterday and now really looks like her Mom. Shoulder length and she says ..no its not the same cut as yours!! And the Prince is due for a hair cut , or should I say overdue for a hair cut tommorow..he says it will affect his stress level in taking the MEA's on Monday..ARC MOM said get over it!!

well off for the night..snow..imagine that tommorow..please no conference calls its only a snow storm for heavens sake..
ARC girl needs a day off after this week of pandemics, fires and velcroed phones.

e enjte, 28 shkurt 2008

en garde

Well, Well, seems as if ARC girl has gone public...not that her blog isn't in the public domain, but the fact that the IRA can find it amongst all its empty kegs of Guiness, barrels of Irish whiskey and leftover packages of Velcro,and of course the thousand post it notes... leaves her wondering what is sacred anymore!! Wonder who the let the "cat out of the bag" or the "sheep out of the paddock" as Patrick would say!

Since we know it wasnt one of the Super sibs as they have no clue who Patrick is and he is still trying to figure out who Kym in the gym is...we can only guess it was one of the ARC Sisters!!

It doesn't change things though, war is war! Be forwarned Paddy, my moat is protected from maruders and pirates and cupcake wielding puppets and you will pay for your little schemes.
One doesnt cross the ARC girl or the Princess of Sedgwick more than once!!

In other worldly news the ARC girl helped prevent mass panic and lawlessness on MDI today as we worked through a table top drill that involved a cruise ship landing with a pandemic strain of flu at the same time as a tourist bus crashes on the Trenton Bridge disabling the bridge for 12 hours or more! Meanwhile during the drill, all the firemen get up and leave because there actually IS a fire on MDI..the chief comes back and puts me on alert..in case they need assistance for the family. Meanwhile my cell phone emergency text goes off telling me this and that road is closed due to the fire...geez! Luckily the fire damage as far as what was relayed back to me was minimal and I stayed at the exercise. All in a days work..luckily there was no velcro in the room.

Then it was off to another open house for 8th graders this time at EHS..which is where Ty is going whether he wants to or not...and fortunately it was a great night..he was impressed with the offerings both in academics and extracurricular and it didnt hurt that a few cute girls already at the school seemed to know him and came up to talk to him, as well as several teachers. His sister really paved the way for him there!

So that's it from this post...

e hënë, 25 shkurt 2008

A "sticky" day at ARC

Well, you havent heard from me because the ARC girl was kicked out of her office for three days last week by the Irish terrorist and CPR instructor Patrick Walsh, who was teaching other people how to be CPR instructors. Unfortunately during his lunch hour he also engaged in IRA clandestine terrorism to the poor unsuspecting ARC girl.

I returned to my office today, turned on my computer and tried to move my computer mouse which was VELCROED to the mouse pad...I knew in an instant who had done it and reached for the phone to give him a piece of my mind..of course when I picked up the receiver I picked up the entire phone...velcro!! It took ten minutes to get that phone apart. Finnally got the Bangor office on the phone and they said he was on the phone had one call on hold and another call ahead of mine..I said fine give him a message...You are a little S.....! My Boss Suzan said do you want that to say "love Gretchen"? I said fine..she said I will personally deliver!

All day long I kept finding things velcroed down...once I reached for a package of Tictacs..even they were stuck to the desk!!!!! After lunch I opened my top drawer to get out a staple remover and there was the word "velcro" from the package and "rocks" taped next to it!! Jeeez!!!!
My day was so disjointed by this time I was hardly accomplishing anything. At the very end of the day, I noticed we had a health and safety pickup the next day and I needed to call and find out what time and exactly what she needed as a large equipment pickup was happening the following day..as I reached for the phone book...yep velcroed to the next one! I threw them across the room! I picked more velcro off stuff today than I can ever tell you!! Pay back will be hell!

So Tyler who thinks Pat is a riot says can I have his email Mom..so I go on a new email account I have since getting DSL and there is an email from Pat...with the title "rock on with.."
and there is a link to some band called the Velcro punks or something...UGH!!!!!!!

So thats it today from the ARC girl...You can bet she will be working hard on this one!!!

e mërkurë, 13 shkurt 2008


OK, so much for snow...we had about 8 inches last night and this morning, and now its pouring.
AND flooding...everywhere. ARC is putting the girl up for the night in the big city.. Ellsworth. Whoo hoo! The Surry road is apparently impassable, route 15 has a muti car accident, and several areas of Hancock county are under water..so I will be near the office to take care of things as they arise instead of trying to get out of Sedgwick ..if I could indeed get into Sedgwick..
All in all it will make Ralph the county EMA director happy to know he doesnt have to send a pontoon boat out to get me or some other amphibious craft..

Last night a friend and I took our teens to Across the Universe, the movie thats a musical about all the Beetles music...it was actually pretty good. The story came together which I kind of wondered about at the beginning, and the music was great of course..they tied all the 1960's history into it and all in all it was worth seeing. A few metaphorical scenes..some a little iffy.
It was interesting to hear the two of them laugh or make a comment at certain scenes, and us , on others...we lived the time period and their generation glorifies it, or so it seems.

Valentines day tommorow, Ty also had to go shopping for his lady last night. While we were in Rite aid picking up a card, there was a woman in front of us buying saran wrap.., to get this..saran wrap her bosses car!! Now I have heard of just about everything but saran wrapping a car!!!! Tyler and I got in the car and started to talk about how Caroline would react if she came out to find someone had sealed her car in plastic wrap and we got hysterical just thinking about it.

Well thats all from the flood zone...hopefully it will be a quiet night in the big city.
ARC girl

e hënë, 11 shkurt 2008


Guess what ...it snowed last night! Imagine that..and you know what I think that its going to snow for the rest of the week...Snow. its a four letter word..hmmmmmm.
I have not seen the pavement in Sedgwick in weeks..of course they ran out of SNOW money.. and had to have a special town meeting to move ..get this 70,000 dollars into the SNOW removal budget..which only a few people attended. BECAUSE..they didn't advertise the meeting....WHY you ask...BECAUSE they gave the snow removal contract to someone new this year and they have done such a lousy job all the town officials have gotten is complaints ad nauseum. So with our new infusion of 70,000 dollars what did we get? NOT much...a little more sand maybe.
Once you hit the Blue Hill town line though and see the bare pavement...you just have to wonder. Although today snow removal was not going real well in Blue Hill either....all the way to Ellsworth as a matter of fact...as myself and about 15 other cars can testify as we followed this plow truck from the fair grounds in Blue Hill to almost Westwood Drive in Ellsworth at 20-25 mph.

I wish I had brought the newspaper...or my book group book which I am never going to finish by Wednesday night..I am sure I could have gotten alot done on the way in...25 miles at 20mph is a long time in a car. Didnt somebody write a play called the "winter of my discontent"..

Oh and then there is the guy who shovels my office out....right....no such person...
I wasnt thinking there would be too much today until I saw the drift in front of the door. The wind must have done that last night...at least the parking lot was plowed today..the other day they put a snow bank in front of the building.

Well we can all look on the bright side...we will all have a "white Valentines Day"!
ARC girl

e martë, 5 shkurt 2008


Well I really didnt want to write anything yesterday knowing half of New England was in mourning over the Patriots. So I have given everyone a day to get over it..and hopefully you all have..everyone who knows me closely knows I am not a Bill Belichick fan, but he really should have stuck with the tattered grey sweatshirt I guess! Do feel for Brady though!

Speaking of other competitions my son, reluctantly was in the Union spelling bee last night. He didnt even tell me had made it until one night at 10:30 pm. He made it thru 8 rounds and ended up 4th one shy of placing which is just exactly where he wanted to be...he wanted no part of having to go to the next level..the County bee! Besides this is Tournament week for Coastal league Basketball and he wants to have blue striped hair by Thursday...after all what is more important??!! I am not sure I am going to let him match his hair to his uniform, ugh!

Yesterday my job consisted of Flu..Pandemic and otherwise. I spent the morning on a conference call about a Pandemic exercise going on later in the month. Then Bangor called with a request for a press release about flu and cold season. So finished up and as I was just leaving Ellsworth my phone rang and a very weak voice said...Mom! It was Caroline she had been in the school clinic for 4 hours with a 103 fever, body aches, fainted, ear infection,etc etc. They think she has the real thing sent her home with antibiotics, tamiflu etc. Of course with her asthma she is supposed to get the flu shot every year and I harped but to no avail this year!
Talked to her today and she didn't sound quite as weak, but its hard being the Mom thousands of miles away!

Took almost an hour to drive in this morning in the snow someone forgot to send me the memo about! Now its kinda freezing rain or something for the ride home and I actually did pay attention to the weather for tommorow...like more of the same! HOW nice! Maybe I will give up Winter for lent! Ash Wednesday is tommorow does that work??
ARC Girl