e premte, 2 mars 2007

Snow Day..good day to stay away from work!!

A snow storm couldn't have come at a better time considering what I did yesterday! I know it is one of the reasons I never liked blogs, myspace face book or any other webpages where people put stuff in writing that could be seen by others...yet.....

I wrote a personal email to a volunteer about another volunteers behavior in a meeting the evening before to extend my apologies for that man. Then when I went to send it I hit the wrong button sending the note to ALL the VOLUNTEERS!!! YES even the offensive volunteer!
Talk about feeling sick! After 45 seconds of complete panic I called my bosses who are the reasons I work for this organization and through their laughter they admonished me with the
"don't put that stuff in writing" advice that we all know!! And told me they would support me thru whatever happened next. The other volunteers soon emailed with sympathetic short notes about "did you want us to read this" and good luck! Fortunately the volunteer who is so
self important that he needs to be apologized for has blocked me from his email since I got this position so by the end of the afternoon the email had come back from him unread!

My children, particularly my dear daughter knows this one! (remember the cartoon in grade school!) Yet here is an example of how pervasive the internet is! Be careful with your blogs, your myspace your facebook you would be surprised who reads this stuff!

So good to not be near any instruments of self destruction today other than my own. Ginny wants full reports of any other incidents so she can have a good laugh.

Care hope Brandon makes it down the weather isnt good in Maine!
Stay warm and safe everyone ARC Girl (still...until I really screw up!)

2 komente:

Anonim tha...

Stop taking yourself so seriously. No harm was done and it made for some hysterical laughter which is good for the soul. All in all, you did us a favor! I know it was the high point of my day, but you're right, if you want to say something negative, use the phone, or be careful where you put your fingers!

Kym in the Gym tha...

Ok...so I have read these blogs..and I can't help but wonder what the heck you said about this "poor guy"!! But, I do think this might be the way we...hmm..educate the "bottom tier". You could make another faux pas...but then again, she probably wouldn't get it anyways!! So what do I have to do to get started in the 21st century with my super sib??? I already have an email acct. on Google, but not sure how to "blog"...also not sure my daily comings and goings are worth reading, but who knows!!!