Yep thats the name of the cat ... Reilly! Ty and I wanted an Irish name and we were not agreeing. Don thought that the shelter name of "max" was fine..not!! Well some one said something about living the life of Reilly and that was it. He was pretty nervous on the way home in the cat carrier had a little accident and we all had to open the windows!! But he has not stopped purring since. He looks like Teva and Heather. Mostly Teva. He acts just like him too.
Just very comfortable with us. In Don's lap for Tv. playing with Tyler thru the stair way banister rails, pretty cool. We won't let him out for while, maybe May, just want him to get used to this as his house.
Had a big PTF affair at the school last night to benefit the after school programs. I had the GSA Jazz combo and a blues band called the Bad Daddies who will perform at the Rockland Blues Festival t here and the parent turnout was abysmal! I am not a happy camper!! 70 out of 96 kids are in that programming you would think they could support this. 6 families! Kid you not.
The rest were community people many who I had emailed. And people wonder why I send my kids to EHS?!? I was embarassed for the bands. I apologized profusely and they were very gracious. Told someone who called this morning I am seceeding from the town. Taking my toys and leaving! Just going to draw a little line around the property and float off into the bay. I will become my own Island.
Speaking of islands there was a sign in Bucksport friday that said "Old bridge sold, moving to Deer Isle on Monday" ha ha. Actually they start resurfacing the bridge on Monday should be a long summer for bridge traffic. I don't know if Care plans to do any Stonington Opera house theater stuff or not. I will never forget trying to find her at a cast party in a thunder storm with no power. Stoninington was very dark and the bridge with lightening that is just about terrifying.
Lightening would be better than snow..what is this Kim I didn't hear snow. I guess I will go watch the weather. How depressing if its true.
e diel, 1 prill 2007
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2 komente:
Susan simmons will be happy to hear that you named your cat after her daughter!
Great name! I hope he works out for you all...sounds like he is home at last!!!
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