Last night after a long day, I got home just as the phone was ringing and my girlfriend princess Anne said in an excited voice "hurry go out on your deck space shuttle space station.."I said what? Go she said now! I yelled to Don and we looked up at the sky to see the space station making its orbit over head. WOW. What it actually looked like was two dots..stars.. equi-distance apart in perfect orbit shooting across the sky. We are at the edge of the water so we had a pretty clear view, without alot of trees blocking the way. I got back on the phone and asked her how she knew and apparently her husbands Steve's father is a NASA nut who follows every move and knew that it was going to be in the eastern sky at 9:02 or something. So that ended a pretty good evening, considering the volunteer meeting went very well for once.
I don't relish volunteer meetings..surprise surprise, I love teaching classes, and talking to groups but the volunteer meetings give me fits. I never know if anything I have to say is really that important to them..many have way more experience than me. Or if we have enough or too much to say! Don't want to bore them, or overwhelm them etc etc. But I chose the topic of last nights meeting and had Ginny talk on deployment and it really went over well and I thought people learned something and responded well. I am pleased our base in Hancock county is growing and more people want to do stuff in this all in all a positive meeting.
Can't seem to concentrate on work today..trying to do health forms. They are usually something I like to do but they are distracting to me today. Can't print anything so there are several things I can't do right now until the computer people come to fix this thing.
Stopped by the school to pick up the dishes from the luncheon and saw Ty's teacher , whom I thanked for a great year and we ended up in a discussion over the fact that he really could have skipped 8th grade and she hoped that the school would be able to provide him with enough next year....sheeeesh!
Lynn keeps bugging me to teach in Bar Harbor tonight for her...not happening I am afraid. I probably would have done it had I known it was only first aid ahead of time..but late night last night ... I need to go home...
See you all back on earth when I get there...G.
e mërkurë, 20 qershor 2007
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4 komente:
The Space Shuttle info was in the BDN as it yesterday morning. Unfortunately, we could not see it...there were some clouds and it was lower on the horizon with regard to the trees in the way! I could have climbed up on the roof, but that was wet, and I really didn't think it would be spectacular enough to risk the fall! haha
As for Tyler, I was wondering about him skipping 8th a while back. Even mentioned it to Kyle at one it even possible at this stage???
OH, before I forget...I am headed to Sugarloaf next Tuesday morning for the annual Ladies Summer Retreat for a couple nights...was gonna call Mom to see if she would take Kyle, but if Tyler is gonna be home....I am sure Kyle would rather hang with him...up to you of course. I could send him down with the loppers!!! haha
He has Jazz camp in the mornings at GSA from 9-11 next week but that is it. I think? Yacht club bbq Wed night. How many nights?
It would be Monday til Thursday....I would get him on Thursday afternoon...Would be only two if I wasn't leaving as early on Tuesday morning. As for bbq he can go to Moms...
No prob..BBQ is no prob either. I am going to PI Monday night til Tuesday. My schedule basically sucks next week have a meeting in Machias on Thursday. Call me sometime Sat night or so and we will discuss.
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