Its pouring...what else is new this summer?..and I went out to get the office mail, some flyer was jammed in the box so I pulled at it..I was not into standing out there too long, it was raining buckets...and when I pulled the hide-a-key flew out of the mailbox, opening up and landing in the grass below the deck! Nice! So I went back in to get on my rain coat and back out to search the lawn for the keys, and the two pieces to the hide a key box! So much for staying dry. I had thrown the mail on a table, not bothering to look at it. Well after drying out and making some calls and other business I found the mail, still wet and there was a letter addressed to American Red Cross "down back of Renys" Ellsworth Maine! Some guy from Deer Isle mind you! Inside was a self addressed stamped envelope back to him! Huh?? kept digging..found a cpr card with a note "wrong card..need first aid" short sweet and to the point! So in case you need to find me
you all now know where to look!!
It has not been a good week in the Ellsworth and Rockland offices..we have had nothing but "trouble" over the phone etc. I am not sure any of us have accomplished much. I know I have not. But I will keep trying!! Constant interruptions have been the issue here. Either phone or people coming in...yesterday afternoon one of the ham radio guys had to come in and vent.
That of course is always a treat! He is mad at the group because they have not gotten the tower up and hoped that the evening they planned now to do it would fit into "my schedule" and would not be too late a night for me because they knew I had to drive 30 miles! He was very worried about accomodating me! It was pretty cute! They are characters and I don't understand a thing they do..but I am sure when we really need them in a crisis I will be glad they are here.
So when is the sun going to shine again? My husband said he heard we can expect a nice weekend? I will believe it when I sees it! This is just making me crazy..60 degrees is not my idea of summer. Tommorow is the ST. Francis summer fair and for some reason neither Don or I are working at it. Probably should call someone to see what we can do..but then again maybe it would just be fun to attend. Don will have to deal with the money afterwards anyways.
Kiddo's are driving to Portland on Sunday for a rock concert..another reason to worry this weekend..yippee.
Well if the weather keeps up Ms. Barboza could make millions on her new raingear! I remember the summer I was going to make "Maine Bikinis" out of polar fleece and sell them in the store.
I'm feeling a little like that summer....wheres global warming when you need it??
Thats it from here.."down back Renys" ARC girl..have a good one!
e premte, 20 korrik 2007
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2 komente:
Down back of Reny's huh??? OMG I am LMAO!!!! That is just too friggin' funny Deah!!! ONLY in Maine!!!
What does LMAO mean? Oh... wait. I know. LMAO. Good one, Kimmie. ;)
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