No such thing in my family! But they are all here. The past two evenings 14 and 13 people respectively have eaten dinner at my house. Now I have not cooked the food per se...but I have set up, cleaned up, and generally been the hostess with the mostess. I was even told that on Tuesday evening when I got home from a day of 1. taking child to Castine (opposite direction of work) for trombone, 2. Work. 3. Grad. class in grant writing, that I would come home to everything all done...yeah right! My husband decided not to come home early because no one had made it back from Bar Harbor so when I arrived...nothing! Had been set up. 13 people for dinner! The ribs and salads were done, mostly but I guess he thinks that everything else happens automatically, further someone has to clean up the mess!! So tonight the dinner is not at my house..yeah!! BUT I can't go...because its Lobster! I can not be around an enclosed space where it is cooked, and I of course can not eat it or touch it. So the one night I don't have to do the entertaining....I can't go. Its all RELATIVE!!!
I won't even get into the fact that my mother and her "same age" aunt..Her fathers sister, Mix like oil and water and try to play each other..its been more than interesting to watch. But certainly doesn't help my stress level. Meanwhile my husband keeps doing a disappearing act with my brother in law! Being antisocial right now is not what I need him to do!!!! So thats my home life right now....rather not be there thank you!!
On the other hand...for some reason the store real estate seems to be heating up in a big way. Some one came and looked Monday and indicated a very serious interest in a business/live above arrangement. He hopes to come back with a proposal in a week. Meanwhile the next day, a couple from DC who also happen to work at GWU, and looked at the property last year were back yesterday taking pictures and scheduled a formal look "again" for Friday at 1pm.
WE could definitely use some change in direction on that front!!!
So I am enjoying the peace and quiet of the ARC office, no relatives, husband children or dishes other than what I dirty!!! I may just stay here! ARC girl.
e mërkurë, 8 gusht 2007
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1 koment:
Got your house back finally...or at least no major company for dinner for a while to come!!! Thank you for allowing Kyle to stay...I hadn't planned on it, but he and Ty did I guess....Anyhow, I hope he wasn't too much trouble. I gave Ty his bday present today...he loved the shirt (good choice)! Have a good Friday!
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