Guess what snowed last night! Imagine that..and you know what I think that its going to snow for the rest of the week...Snow. its a four letter word..hmmmmmm.
I have not seen the pavement in Sedgwick in weeks..of course they ran out of SNOW money.. and had to have a special town meeting to move ..get this 70,000 dollars into the SNOW removal budget..which only a few people attended. BECAUSE..they didn't advertise the meeting....WHY you ask...BECAUSE they gave the snow removal contract to someone new this year and they have done such a lousy job all the town officials have gotten is complaints ad nauseum. So with our new infusion of 70,000 dollars what did we get? NOT much...a little more sand maybe.
Once you hit the Blue Hill town line though and see the bare just have to wonder. Although today snow removal was not going real well in Blue Hill either....all the way to Ellsworth as a matter of myself and about 15 other cars can testify as we followed this plow truck from the fair grounds in Blue Hill to almost Westwood Drive in Ellsworth at 20-25 mph.
I wish I had brought the newspaper...or my book group book which I am never going to finish by Wednesday night..I am sure I could have gotten alot done on the way in...25 miles at 20mph is a long time in a car. Didnt somebody write a play called the "winter of my discontent"..
Oh and then there is the guy who shovels my office such person...
I wasnt thinking there would be too much today until I saw the drift in front of the door. The wind must have done that last least the parking lot was plowed today..the other day they put a snow bank in front of the building.
Well we can all look on the bright side...we will all have a "white Valentines Day"!
ARC girl
e hënë, 11 shkurt 2008
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Tsk tsk....such sound like you HATE winter almost as much as I do......almost! Tis getting a bit much I must agree...and more on the way for Tues. night into Wed. Just get me on my flight Thursday a.m. and I won't complain.
Ha! Don't forget the "colder than a ..." temperatures. It's been snowing off and on down here too. But it's also damn windy. It appears we're in for more tomorrow night and then all weekend into Monday.
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