e premte, 25 maj 2007

ARC girl in Charge...

Scary thought. Its Memorial Day weekend and everyone is leaving me ..in charge...ok thats nine counties where something could go wrong. Hmmm, Memorial Day weekend, are we comfortable with this? I am taking everyone phone number I can think of home with me. NOthing ever happens around here ....right?? Oh well I signed up for this! Brace yourselves people.

So its 80 something degrees today..amazing. Ty didn't have school so he came to work with me played on High speed internet for awhile (a treat for us!) and went to the Y-skate park. I will get him for lunch but then he will have to do errands after work with me. Its plant shopping time and I intend to get some of that done this weekend.
Told Don before he goes "golfing" at Kebo on Saturday...that the big blue planters need to be on the deck etc. He has been mowing the upper lawn but the kid who does down by the water hasn't shown up yet..it will soon be a field if he doesn't and I will not be a happy camper! It can not be done with a hand mower it has to be a rider so we couldn't do it if we wanted to. We'll need a bushhog soon.

Got an email from Diva Daughter this morning. She is in Croatia having a wonderful time.
Did have lunch in Paris..ie: the debit card use!! Doing a concert tonight and then off to Slovenia tommorow. At somepoint they end up on the ocean which should be spectacular before they head to Venice.

Well 25 years ago I got married this weekend. That is almost too much to fathom. I can't imagine my life otherwise though and it has definetly been a good one. Filled to the brim.
I would not trade any of it. Happy holiday weekend everyone. Hope its a quiet one. ARC girl.

1 koment:

Anonim tha...

Oh Boy, now do I feel guilty! Leaving you on-call on your 25th anniversary! I'm sorry. Happy Anniversary! I'm glad that the years have been good ones. You deserve them. Call my cell if you need to talk to me over the weekend.