Yesterday, although a beautiful day for driving with Caroline to Portland to the airport for the first leg of her trip to Europe, was full of "pot holes"! I thank god for the sunshine because a rainy day would have made it awful. She had decided to have a serious conversation with her boyfriend both the day and night before she left town and again that morning. He was naturally devastated and she was fragile and teary. NOt a good way to start a European tour. We stopped at our favorite food place, the Market Basket in Rockport for coffee and breakfast sandwiches and she fell asleep, by the time she woke she was a little better. During the trip though, two of her girl friends called or text messaged her so that was good. I am glad she will be gone for awhile, it all would have been too much on the home front. The time and space will do both of them some good.
Returning from her big Adventure Aisha walked thru the door yesterday morning before we left. I had been a little worried as we had not heard from her since she landed in Boston on
Sunday, and was ready to call out the dogs. Her cell phone had died and she borrowed a car to get from Bowdoin to Sedgwick. She looked wonderful, very dark not too thin. She said the world seemed much smaller now! She said she could go anywhere, after travelling thru Ghana by herself, having malaria, and living in not always the best conditions...sounds like we should recruit her for ARC!
After Care and I had lunch we went to the airport and I saw her off. She actually doesnt leave until 10pm tonight on Air France. The University singers have a google blog so now I have another one to read! Then I stopped at the Christmas tree shop to see what summer bargains they had. Picked up napkins, a basket a flower pot, some ribbon for packages nothing spectacular. Then I stopped at LL Beans. I have been looking for a light weight navy you think I can find one..they had one I wanted to look at. I tried on two sizes the medium seemed to fit well but the price was bothering me..49.00. But I had been looking I took the medium up to the counter and was digging in my purse for my LL Bean card when the clerk said that will be 14.oo!! I looked up and at the tag, it had been mismarked.!
I didn't say a word. No need to charge that baby...just handed her my debit card and was on my way. There were a few pangs of guilt but they were short lived. I have spent enough money there over the years to make up for it!
So back to work and welfare call this morning AFES center helped with that one.
Lots of loose ends to take care of. Maybe I will go have lunch on that "fictional umbrella table" of mine outside the office. Gretchen
e mërkurë, 23 maj 2007
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