Papelbon..a la Tyler O'Grady! For my sister who missed it all while in Italy! He even danced for people when he went Trick or treating! And its his sister who has the theater scholarship!
So we all survived hurricane Noel...I got out of it really good. Everyone around me lost power and apparently is still out! There were trucks everywhere when I went to work today (two days post storm!) Rockland office has an entire "very needy" group of people who are out of an apartment building due to flooding. They kept calling here wondering where their lunch was!
My LB called yesterday from the airport wondering where "the mother was" and did I have her itinerary. I t old him if she got out of JFK on Sat night she was due in Bangor at 2:30. She apparently gave him her departure time as her arrival time. He was headed back to the bar.
Well other than cleaning the office today, and answering everyone elses phones I have not much else to report. (I did paint a bathroom and part of the computer area this weekend. So I have accomplished something.) Also moved a cabinet around in here to give myself some more space for "stuff"...anything to avoid the inevitable shelter work that I will eventually get back to.
Happy Monday all.
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