These students are from all over the country and Thanksgiving is this week..so it was quite something.
Caroline and I spent the day together Saturday, went to Georgetown for Brunch..she didnt get in until 3am or so..and we had to call the front desk to get someone to turn off a tv that had been left on in another room! So after letting her sleep in a little we headed out. Wandered the shops afterwards, then took her to Trader Joes so she could get some grocerys on her mother! Went back to the dorm, where she g0t ready for another show. Boyfriend Alex went to both of the Saturday night shows, as well as her roomates. So most of the weekend was centered around the play, but it was just so good.
Lectured her about getting to the airport EARLY on Wednesday! It is going to be crazy. Luckily she has a direct flight. So hopefully no issues. She is going to take a cab and avoid the metro too. When I arrived at Union Station from the Baltimore Airport...AmTrak was a complete zoo. People were jammed everywhere trying to get to trains, I almost had to backtrack through all the lines when some amtrack person got the bright idea to close one of the corridors! I said I'm not trying to get in I'm trying to get out! My flights were both full and I had to go through Manchester, as the flights through Portland were too high, as it was close to the Holiday. So I am tired from all the driving. "planes trains and automobiles"
It was so worth it though!
Well I should attempt some work today...Happy Monday..short week! Yippee! Happy Turkey Day...maybe I will find appetizer recipes on line! (Of course my boss is reading this!)
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